Dominica is an island nation located in the eastern Caribbean Sea, bordering the Atlantic Ocean, near the U.S. state of Florida.
It is known as the "Nature Island of the Caribbean" for its unspoiled natural beauty. The island is characterized by lush mountainous rainforests and is home to many rare animals and plants, including the Sisseton Parrot (also known as the Imperial Amazon), which is the national bird of the island and appears on the national flag Dominica's economy relies heavily on both tourism and agriculture. The country exempts foreign companies and headquartered there from taxes. Noting that the number of companies benefiting from this feature is unknown due to the government's strict secrecy. Dominica has the second-largest hot lake in the world. The country gained its independence on November 3rd, 1978, and subsequently became a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. The country celebrates that date as a public holiday. Dominica has two airports, Melville Hall and Canfield, due to the high demand on visiting Dominica as a unique touristic destination.
Ranked 31st worldwide, and Dominica passport holders benefit from the free movement to more than 144 countries without a visa including: Ireland, Schengen Area, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore and other countries
FREEDOM OF TRAVEL: Traveling freely to more than 143 countries worldwide including the European Union Countries and China
PRIVILEGES: Benefiting from healthcare and educational services
LANGUAGE: No language requirements to acquire the citizenship
NATIONALITY: can be passed on to children and grandchildren
TOURISM: Has the second-largest hot lake in the world and is home to many rare animals and plants
DUAL CITIZENSHIP: Dominica’s nationals are allowed to have dual nationalities without renouncing their original one
ECONOMY: Relies heavily on both tourism and agriculture
TAXES: No taxes on capital gains, wealth, inheritance, or income
BUSINESS SECTOR: The opportunity to open bank accounts and establish business whether in the Country or outside it
SECURITY: Enjoys a safe and politically stable environment due to the exchange rate stability versus the United States Dollar
Our team of professionals can assist with everything from identifying the right investment option to preparing and submitting the necessary documentation. With our help, individuals can obtain Dominica citizenship and a second passport quickly and efficiently
Effective of July 2023, applicants are required to attend an interview. Noting that interview fees are 1,000 USD for each person aged 16 or above and added to the application
Noting that other fees will be added related to the professional service and lawyers’ fees along with consulting fees
Processing fee for each applicant: $1,000 USD
Due diligence fee for the main applicant: $7,500 USD
Due Diligence fee for any additional dependent over 16 years old: $4,000 USD
Certificate of citizenship fee: $250 USD per person
Passport issuance fee: $1,200 USD per person
200000 USD
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